Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday November 23, 2010 – Prayer Apprentice
Teaching a class on the Theology of Prayer is causing me some discomfort.  I knew that it would, for one simple reason:  I am not a huge intercessor.  To make matters worse, I struggle with consistency in my prayer life.  That does not mean that I never pray…but boy oh boy do I leave a lot to be desired, in my opinion.  I do talk to God quite a bit…but the way I do it just doesn’t seem good enough to me.  On the other hand, I am thankful that I do sense God’s presence when I direct my attention to Him, either verbally or merely via my unspoken prayers that seem to be part of the fabric of my life. 
In class I have challenged the students to “engage” God.  In other words, rather than get bogged down in the where, why, and how of prayer, they need to make sure that they “engage” God is some way every day…I think the appropriate term is “without ceasing”.   However, to bring balance to the picture, prayer does require some intentionality on our part.  This intentionality simply involves some basic elements that enhance our time with God and thus our relationship with God.  One obvious element that we must be intentional about is time…Jesus set aside time to spend with God.  If He did it, how much more should we.  Time alone with God always yields good things in our lives.
The main take away for me today?  I cannot afford to settle for mediocrity in my relationship with Jesus.  The only way to avoid that malady is through building my relationship with Him, which does not happen by accident.  I must “engage” Him, “without ceasing”. 
“Jesus, I need to know you more…I want to know you better.  Help me to be desperate for you every single day.  My challenges and problems have no real solutions without you.  I give them to you today…my children, my finances, my career, and most of all my heart that is in constant need of what you have to give me…which may or may not be what I think I need.“ 


  1. I love your honesty here...and I can relate to every word you wrote. Thank you for this post.

    Yea - fixing up my blog took some time...I did it on those evenings when Z was working 2nd shift (2-10pm) and Robi was already in bed. :) That's when I do a BUNCH of blogging and then schedule them all out...(cheater, I know. haha!!!) Blogging has been a great outlet for my passion to write. And, amazingly enough - the cherry on top is that people actually read what I write. Makes it even more fun!

  2. Thanks for reading...I am glad you enjoyed it. Have a good day
